Sunday, March 17, 2013

Candy Sushi!

As a reward for working so diligently on the Writing CST Test, students practiced their technical direction writing and teamwork skills to work in a group to figure out how to make and teach someone else to make candy sushi!  Since we are currently studying Japan's geography--specifically the effects of natural resources on the country--in World Geography and analyzing/writing technical directions in Language Arts, what a perfect way to blend the curriculum and have some sweet fun too! :)  Students working in teams will:
  1. Research history/creation of sushi on web sites on
  2. Observe photos of candy sushi.
  3. Draft a plan to create the candy sushi.
  4. Begin constructing the candy sushi step-by-step.
  5. Use their electronic camera (e-cam) on their netbooks to take photos of each step.
  6. Create a PowerPoint presentation of technical directions including: Title slide, List of materials slide, Steps in order (each with a written direction and e-cam photo), Conclusion slide(s) explaining how and why Japan uses its natural resources to create sushi.
  7. Create an advertisement with the purpose of selling the candy sushi.
  8. Reflect on this activity on message boards on (roles, what went well, what could have been improved).
  9. Enjoy a sweet sushi treat! :)
Catch the students in action here--constructing sushi, writing technical directions, & creating advertisements:



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