Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mini Mecca Museum of 3D Creations!

Students modeled exemplary teamwork as they worked in large teams to construct a mini 3D creation of the city of Mecca.  Each team of 6-8 students was responsible for a different aspect of Arabia, including the mosque (Kabah, minaret, muezzin), trade (bazaar), spread of Islam (Muhammad, caliphs, conquest), and geography (Bedouin campsites).  Students used their creativity to construct their piece of Mecca using arts and crafts supplies and more!  Students worked together to make their pieces come together to recreate their version of this important city to Arabia.  Students then shared their creations at a class "Mecca Museum" in which students became "curators" and taught each other, adding Bedouin food, music, and lighting to make their projects come alive. Classmates took notes on pull factors, connections to modern day, big ideas, and interesting facts.  Below you will see pictures of the process and finished products and reflections! Enjoy!